For the purpose of this legal document WRITINGS EARNINGS are defined as all monies Gail Schuler has earned from any and all of her writings as of 4-30-14 and also includes all writing monies earned weekly after 4-30-14. These would include her earnings and award money from CONSPIRACY LAW, her novels, books, website and online presence. All monies earned or awarded after 4-30-14 will be deposited weekly into a WRITINGS EARNINGS FUND.

For the purpose of this legal document LEGAL EARNINGS are defined as all monies awarded to me from lawsuits won and that are lawsuits that are related to (or concern) my writings. All settlements awarded me from these lawsuits will be given entirely to Church of Gail, except for a portion that I will reserve to pay for further legal costs to bring more lawsuits against the Jesuits. I will use these legal earnings to further God’s work. Other than the fact that 90% or less of these LEGAL EARNINGS will be given to Church of Gail, they will be treated just like WRITINGS EARNINGS (as outlined in this document). The other 10% or more of the LEGAL EARNINGS will be reserved to pay for further lawsuits brought against the Jesuit Order, since it is anticipated that the Jesuits will never give up, even after we win lawsuits against them for damages, so a portion of the damages I win should be reserved to pay for further legal expenses.

I WANT TO PAY FOR 100% of any further lawsuits that I must bring against the Jesuit Order, from 4-30-14 and onward. This money will be deducted from my LEGAL EARNINGS and will be used to pay for further lawsuits brought against the Jesuit Order on my behalf.

Also, I’d like to use my own money to pay for further lawsuits I bring against the Jesuit Order (from 4-30-14 and afterwards), so that the Jesuits can’t claim that the government (or some other entity) is in a conspiracy against them, in order to harass them and to frame them with legal damages. WE HAVE TO MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IF WE DIDN’T HAVE TO SUE THE JESUITS, WE WOULDN’T, BUT WE HAVE TO, BECAUSE THEY WON’T STOP THEIR CRIMES AGAINST ME. THEREFORE, IT IS BETTER FOR ME TO PAY THE COSTS OF ANY FURTHER LAWSUITS THAT I BRING AGAINST THE JESUIT ORDER, SINCE IF THEY CONTINUE THEIR CRIMES AGAINST ME, IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT I USE MY OWN MONEY TO PAY FOR COURT TO CONTINUE TO SUE THEM FOR DAMAGES, IT WILL MAKE THEM LOOK REALLY BAD–and this is what we want.

I ALSO WANT CPAs to present daily reports on GCFNC (Gabrielle Chana FOX News Channel) about how my money from LEGAL EARNINGS is used to pay for the legal costs for any further lawsuits I bring against the Jesuit Order, to make it clear that from April 30, 2014 and forward that it is MY OWN MONEY that is being used to bring more charges against the Jesuit Order for damages. Furthermore, I would like to reimburse whoever paid the legal costs for the beginning lawsuits I brought against the Jesuit Order, so that it will be clear THAT ALL THE LEGAL COSTS FOR ALL LAWSUITS I’VE BROUGHT AGAINST THE JESUIT ORDER HAVE BEEN PAID FOR BY MYSELF! If they maintain their stubbornness in spite of the fact that I used MY OWN MONEY to bring LAWSUITS against them, they will TOTALLY LOSE THE PUBLIC RELATIONS game–they won’t have an ounce of reputation left. They will be despised by the world.

If I, the victim, use my own money to sue these criminals for damages when they continue their crimes against me, in spite of the fact that I win damage lawsuits against them in court, then they can’t say that there’s a huge worldwide conspiracy against them to frame them legally and to harass them in court, UNLESS THEY WANT TO CLAIM THAT I’M THE CONSPIRACY, WHICH WON’T MAKE THEM LOOK TOO GOOD. So I prefer from April 30, 2014 and onward that further lawsuits that I bring against the Jesuit Order, that my own money (a portion of what I win for damages) is used to pay for further legal costs to bring more lawsuits against the Jesuit Order. As long as the Jesuits continue their crimes against me, I want more lawsuits brought against them and I want these suits to be paid for with MY MONEY (whatever portion from my previous damage awards) is needed to pay for the legal costs. If it requires more than 10% of my LEGAL EARNINGS to pay for 100% of the lawsuits I bring against the Jesuit Order, then take out whatever from my LEGAL EARNINGS to continue the lawsuits against the Jesuits (if they continue their crimes against me), so that I can keep on suing them for any more crimes they commit against me. THE LAWSUITS WILL CONTINUE AS LONG AS THE JESUITS CONTINUE THEIR CRIMES AGAINST ME. I anticipate I will be suing them until Jesus Christ destroys the entire Jesuit Order at the Battle of Armageddon, because that’s how stubborn they are. The problem is, if I keep on suing them and I don’t use my own money to do it, it makes it look like the government is in a conspiracy against them, to harass them in court–so it’s better to use MY money for any further lawsuits that I bring against the Jesuit Order, and I’ll use a portion of my LEGAL EARNINGS to pay for further legal costs that I incur because of further Jesuits attacks against me–whatever’s leftover after this, will go to missions. So, always reserve a portion of my winnings to pay for further legal costs, BECAUSE I’M CERTAIN WE WILL BE SUING THEM FOREVER. NOBODY IS AS STUBBORN AS A JESUIT.

Eventually, their stubbornness will destroy them, because we will establish clearly their tremendous wealth, because the mere fact that they won’t give up when I continue to win lawsuits against them USING MY OWN MONEY TO PAY THE LEGAL COSTS FOR THE LAWSUITS, will give away their monumental wealth. And their stubbornness, in continuing crimes against me, in spite of the fact that I win lawsuits against them in court again and again, will also establish with increasing clarity just how heinous and abominable they are. Eventually, their own stubbornness will be their downfall and they will destroy themselves like Pharoah did when he followed the Israelites into the Red Sea.


I, Gail Chord Schuler, of my own free will and being in sound mind, do ask that Brent Spiner, who did have custody of the funds that have been earned from my WRITINGS EARNINGS and which Brent had in his possession on this 10th day of March, 2006 and afterward–called my WRITINGS EARNINGS, do give both Brent Spiner, Vladimir Putin and judge Terrance Jenkins the authority to be custodian over 70% of my WRITINGS EARNINGS and that are to be distributed as outlined in this document. And those WRITINGS EARNINGS earned after 4-30-14 will be deposited weekly into my WRITINGS EARNINGS FUND, and 70% of these weekly deposits will be distributed in the following manner: Vladimir Putin will put in writing how he wishes these WRITINGS EARNINGS to be distributed (especially in the matter of any missionaries) and these wishes MUST BE HONORED or those who distribute the funds contrary to the wishes of Vladimir Putin will be considered guilty of financial crimes–embezzlement, etc. (or worse):

1) I want 1/2 of these 70% WRITINGS EARNINGS to be given for the support of Church of Gail, the church Jesus Christ created for me and my men. This church must go on, and it will have a pastor, Brent Spiner, or one he appoints as pastor. Vladimir will decide how this money will be spent to promote the growth of Church of Gail. In the meanwhile, this church must go on and God’s work must not falter. However I insist that ½ of this money to Church of Gail be put into its missions funds to assist those missionaries sent out by the church. Of the ½ of my 70% WRITINGS EARNINGS that go to Church of Gail, half will go to Church of Gail and half will be given to the church’s missions fund, and those missionaries sent out by Church of Gail will be supported by this fund. These missionaries sent out by Church of Gail can go out to any country in the world and are not limited to the countries of the former Soviet Union. None of the missionaries supported by Church of Gail can be UNWILLING AGENTS and they must all support the Jesus Christ who has been meeting with Brent Spiner. If my WRITINGS EARNINGS are used to support UNWILLING AGENTs, that will be considered a violation of this contract (and if the UNWILLING AGENTS are used to violate CONSPIRACY LAW to support the Jesuit Order, that will be a death penalty violation and the willing and knowing criminals behind this violation will be given Sect. 95 executions) and any money given to UNWILLING AGENTS from my WRITINGS EARNINGS must be refunded to the Church of Gail’s missions account by the criminals involved and then redistributed to worthy missionaries. The refunded money will come in the payment of damages from the guilty party. So if the guilty party is the Jesuit Order, the Jesuit Order must pay damages and put this money into the Church of Gail’s missions account.

2) I want 1/2 of the these 70% WRITINGS EARNINGS to be given to missionaries who support the Jesus Christ who meets with Brent Spiner, to the area that used to be the Soviet Union (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.) and who are NOT UNWILLING AGENTS. I love Vladimir Putin and believe God brought him into my life, so that I could be used as an instrument to reach Russia, the Ukraine and these areas for God and the Jesus Christ who meets with Brent Spiner. To honor Vladimir and the love he has for me, I give 1/2 of 70% of my WRITINGS EARNINGS to promote whatever the Jesus Christ who meets with Brent Spiner wants for the world and for those nations where Russian is spoken fluently. To help spread the Bible and the gospel in Russia and its surrounding territories, I want those missionaries who labor in these fields to receive support from my WRITINGS EARNINGS.

How these funds are distributed will be recorded and tracked by certified public accountants (who are NOT UNWILLING AGENTS)–these CPAs will track these funds to ensure that they go to the parties that I intended (as outlined in this legal document). If there are enough funds, it may be desirable to give it to the missionaries as an annuity for each missionary. Another advantage of using this method is that the money will earn interest and the missionaries will end up with more funds this way, and will have the peace of mind of knowing they have a monthly and steady source of income coming in for their work. Let the CPAs make the decisions about how to use the funds for the missionaries. In this manner, the missionaries can concentrate totally on their work in Russia and not worry about money as they work. Also, we will have regular specials on GCFNC (Gabrielle Chana FOX News Channel) that highlight the work of these missionaries that we support and these missionaries will show us how they spend the money that we gave to them (this will be shown in specials on GCFNC).

For the purposes of this legal document a missionary is defined as a born again Christian whose primary job is to obey the Jesus Christ who meets with Brent Spiner. A missionary can be a Christian who is on deputation, but is not yet on the mission field. And I would be thrilled if my funds were used to get more deputational missionaries into the former Soviet Union, and if many of these missionaries on deputation would have the funds to begin their work in Russia (and can stop their deputation and get right onto the field), and if Russian speaking countries would be immersed right away with Spirit-filled missionaries who labor for Russia as a result of my donations. Their work must be highlighted on GCFNC. Russia is in dire need of the Bible and needs saturation with those who obey the Jesus Christ who meets with Brent Spiner.


You may say, then all a guy has to do is get sexually explicit with you and he wins your heart. Dead wrong. Brent did many things before he said these sexually explicit things to me, to show his great care and concern for me and had written me a very polite and gentlemanly letter ( a year before he talked to me) that thanked me for sharing my thoughts with him (all my thoughts that I shared with him at that time were about my interpretations of the Bible and about my Christian and political beliefs, which were mostly conservative and right wing–though not totally–I’m an independent woman). A man can only get away with being sexually explicit with me, if he invests in me as a friend first and THEN BECOMES SEXUALLY EXPLICIT WITH ME. This way I know his sexual attraction to me is based on his attraction to WHO I REALLY AM as a person and not just my body, AND THIS TURNS ME ON. I love a man who knows who I am as a person and can understand my intellect and my soul (this takes a highly intelligent man) and who is turned on by this and lets me know.


We (the rest of the world who have the Bible) are not superior to the Russians just because we have the Bible and they DON’T. It is OUR JOB to get the Bible INTO RUSSIA.

The CPAs will make statements (under 666-Computer lie detection) about how the funds (both WRITING EARNINGS and LEGAL EARNINGS) are distributed on GCFNC and these will be public records. Any false statements made willingly and knowingly will be the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR. False statements made because of the UNWILLING AGENT state will bring lesser punishments, but the U.S. Supreme Court will decide on the punishment in this matter of the UNWILLING AGENTs who mess with my money and don’t honor this legal document.

Any knowing and willing attempt or action to use the WRITINGS or LEGAL EARNINGS for any other purpose than those outlined in this document will bring legal penalties to the violator. If the violation was done willingly and knowingly to assist the Jesuit Order, that violator will receive a SECTION 95 execution and that execution will be shown on GCFNC.

I have decided to give away 70% of my WRITINGS EARNINGS because it is not good for Brent to have too much of my money in his possession (since it is a large amount of money and since it has not been given to me yet). Therefore, to lower the amount and give the Jesuits less ammunition against Brent, and since I love to support the spread of the gospel and the Jesus Christ who meets with Brent Spiner –I desire that Brent have less of my money in his possession–this will be less for him to have to deal with and will be easier on his nerves.

Any willing and knowing attempt or action to use my WRITINGS or LEGAL EARNINGS in a manner that violates the terms of this document and who does so to assist the Jesuit Order, will bring the death penalty as a JESUIT CONSPIRATOR to that violator. All such cases will be tried on GCFNC.

For the legal document regarding how to handle the remaining 30% of my WRITINGS EARNINGS, refer to the legal document LAW.MYLASTWILL&TESTAMENT.


XXX1/2–G.S. (3-10-06), (4-20-06 update), (5-15-06 update LEGAL EARNINGS), (5-20-06 update to reserve a portion of Gail’s LEGAL EARNINGS to finance 100% any further lawsuits I bring against the Jesuit Order)(4-30-14 updates).

AAAAAAA–G.S. (3-10-06), (4-20-06 update), (5-15-06 update LEGAL EARNINGS), (5-20-06 update to reserve a portion of Gail’s LEGAL EARNINGS to finance 100% any further lawsuits I bring against the Jesuit Order).

BBBBBBB–G.S. (3-10-06), (4-20-06 update), (5-15-06 update LEGAL EARNINGS), (5-20-06 update to reserve a portion of Gail’s LEGAL EARNINGS to finance 100% any further lawsuits I bring against the Jesuit Order)..

CCCCCCC–G.S. (3-10-06), (4-20-06 update), (5-15-06 update LEGAL EARNINGS), (5-20-06 update to reserve a portion of Gail’s LEGAL EARNINGS to finance 100% any further lawsuits I bring against the Jesuit Order).

Electronically signed: Gail Chord Schuler

Date: March 10, 2006 , (4-20-06 update), (5-15-06 update LEGAL EARNINGS), (5-20-06 update to reserve a portion of Gail’s LEGAL EARNINGS to finance 100% any further lawsuits I bring against the Jesuit Order)(4-30-14 updates).

Place: Melbourne, FL

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